Sunday, June 24, 2012

Upcoming Shows

I will be showing at the lobsterboat races in Jonesport on June 30ieth; I will be setting up on a large table inside a giant tent in the ballfield behind the library, along with numerous other area artists.  Come see us!

I will also participate in the next "First Friday" show at the Grange in Machias  on Friday, July 6th from 5 - 8.  Lots of great art and free goodies! 

Last year's show:

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Just came back from a successful marketing trip to Bar Harbor.  My work is now shown at the ALONE MOOSE Gallery on West Street in Bar Harbor.  Thank you, Sherry and Ivan!

This Bull Moose in Fog is now available at the ALONE MOOSE Gallery, priced at $425, beautifully framed.  If you're in Bar Harbor, drop in and ask for Sherry or Ivan (and tell them that I sent you)!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Seascape in Permanent Home

This seascape was purchased last year by a local collector, now hangs above the couch in their den.  I love seeing my work in their permanent homes!

Thanks, guys!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

New Galleries, latest show

I showed at the Grange in Machias last Friday - here is a photo of part of my set-up.

Thanks to all who showed up, and for all your support!

BIG NEWS:  I am now represented by another two new galleries - the prestigious Woodwind Gallery in Machias (Thanks, Holly!) and the successful Cinnamon Stick Gifts and Fine Arts in Milbridge (Thanks, DeeDee!)  Pat on the back to my Marketing Manager (wife) and self!  

PS - watch out for moose on the lose these days - recently, on the way to Ellsworth, we saw three moose trying to cross Route 1, and on the way home from Machias this afternoon, I caught this one on camera:

She's abeauty!  Also on Route 1, standing in a blueberry field...