Thursday, December 29, 2011

Blueberry Barrens 2

I love to paint fall barrens!
This scene is from the "Horseshoe" off Pea Ridge Road, Columbia, Maine.
Oil on canvas board, 11" x 14", priced at $250, free shipping.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Blueberry Barrens 2011

Maine is known for its wild blueberries, but many don't realize what happens after the berries have been harvested. The blueberry fields, or barrens, catch fire! They turn all shades of red, orange, and purple - almost "unrealistic" colors. Artists (and art lovers) love it! The owner of one of my galleries told me that she has sold every blueberry barren painting she has ever painted - and so have I, so far. Check this one out. It is painted in oil on a 12" x 16" canvas board and will be priced at $300. Enjoy!