Sunday, September 1, 2013

Thompson Island Plein Air Revisited (See earlier post)

Sometimes, after you have finished and signed a painting, another pair of eyes might see something you missed.  Like clouds that look like Mickey Mouse, or in this case, a straight line of purple beach flowers that look like rocks.  My wife looked at this painting and commented:  "That straight line of purple-grey rocks looks weird".  Well, when my wife speaks, I listen.  Looking at it I had to agree.  So, yesterday I followed her advice and made the straight line of flowers a little more uneven, added a few flowers to the left of the big rock, and put some brighter spots of purple and fuchsia on the flowers.  Voila, the offensive line of rocks is no more!  The lesson here?  Another pair of eyes can be an important tool in inproving a painting, and even after a painting is "finished" it's not to late to make corrections.