Monday, August 4, 2014

Bold Coast Competition Winner

I have just learned that my submission, Fouled Gear, was chosen by the Bold Coast Scenic Byway Corridor Advisory Group to be one of 3 images used to represent the Bold Coast region!  Please follow this link for a DRAFT view of what these keepsake artcards will look like.

There will be 10,000 copies of each image printed and distributed to visitors in the Bold Coast region.

DISCOVER Maine’s Bold Coast

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Jonesport Public Library Silent Auction

The Jonesport Public Library means a lot to me.  That's where I was invited to first show my work in a public venue by the Art in the Library group, spearheaded by Marshia Brown.  These shows resulted in some of my earliest sales, giving me much needed moral support.
This coming Thursday, August the 7th, they will be conducting a silent auction of a whole lot of donated stuff, including one of my paintings, Triptych:  Evening Shadows, Carrying Place, Hancock.  Hope to see you there!

Robin Rier, left, with her donated painting, with me and my painting on the right.

Triptych:  Evening Shadows, Carrying Place, Hancock.  6 x 12 x 3 - $600 retail price.